Aviation is a separate combat category and includes interceptors, bombers, and even cruisers. Aviation operates autonomously and is not directly controlled by the player. The player has limited options to issue commands to squadrons or individual aircraft.
An interceptor designed for fast pursuit of targets. It can move quickly and react instantly to battlefield situations. It is suitable for eliminating light, fast units such as Imperials, fireflies, enemy missiles, or other aircraft of the same class. It excels in defense against bombers.
An aircraft with acceptable range and speed, designed for eliminating heavy targets. It is suitable for destroying heavily armored enemy units such as Guardians, Golems, Dagoni, or foreign spaceships and stations.
Bombers have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in battles against the Leviathan.
A heavy aircraft with average mobility. Due to its long operational time, it is effective in defending ships and stations against projectiles and light units.
Squadrons dock to the spacecraft (mothership). Docking is only possible on a spacecraft equipped with a hangar module. Hangars have a dedicated capacity of slots for specific aircraft classes.
Aircraft will automatically return to dock at the mothership when they run out of tactical fuel or ammunition.
Most aircraft require a crew. The quality of the crew affects the aircraft's success in completing tasks.
You assign crew in the aviation settings under the squadron button or by using the shortcut (F).
When an aircraft is destroyed, the crew may eject and wait for rescue at the incident site. The crew's survival time in the rescue capsule is limited.
In the squadron settings (shortcut F), individual aircraft can be assigned to four squadrons (Wolf, Bull, Eagle, and Lion squadron). Aircraft can be assigned using the button in their control panel. This group of aircraft can then be controlled simultaneously.
The squadron or individual aircraft will then receive the following commands.
The aircraft will return and begin circling around the mothership.
The aircraft will return and dock at the mothership.
The aircraft will fly to the location and attack any targets within range. They will automatically attack all targets in range.
The aircraft will primarily attack the designated target and will automatically attack all targets within range. For weapons with limited ammo, you need to specify the target.
The aircraft will gather at the center of all squadron members outside the mothership's hangar.
The spaceship will proceed to the aircraft's position. This command is only available for individual aircraft.
The spaceship or squadron is simultaneously launched from the mothership's hangar.
Aircraft have two fuel supplies: tactical and reserve. Reserve fuel allows the aircraft to travel nearly unlimited distances at reduced speed, while tactical fuel is necessary for missions. The aircraft doesn't need to save fuel for return to the mothership.
After docking, the tactical fuel is always consumed first, regardless of the aircraft's activity. Once depleted, the aircraft switches to economy mode and automatically returns to dock at the mothership.
Fuel is automatically replenished after docking.
Some weapons, such as bombs, have a limited amount of ammunition. After the ammunition is exhausted, the aircraft automatically returns to dock at the mothership.
Ammunition is automatically replenished after docking at a rate based on the weapon's properties.
Aircraft damage is expressed in HP (Health Points).
Damaged aircraft are repaired automatically after docking. The repair speed is determined by the aircraft's properties.
An aircraft is destroyed when its HP reaches 0. The aircraft will leave behind an appropriate amount of wreckage. There is a certain probability that the crew can eject and await rescue in a rescue capsule at the site of the destruction.