Array ( [0] => en [1] => space-station [2] => weaponslistbiomasscolonistsnpcblocksparasitesbiomassblocksparasitesbiomassweaponscolonistsconstructionblocksmaintenancenpcbiomassconstructionnpcconstruction )
A space station is a static object in space that provides station services.
The station consists of various station blocks, providing different functions. Its main purpose is to provide protection to its surroundings and also to the warehouses.
Space stations can be owned either by players or by large hyper-corporations.
Some station blocks can also be equipped with station weapons, increasing the station's security and defensive capabilities.
This is the first block on the station's axis. It always contains the station's bridge and basic facilities necessary for the station's operation. It is usually fully self-sufficient. Some of its parts, such as the hangar and habitation, are accessible only to the station owner.
They form the common parts of the station and its main body. Facilities in these blocks are publicly accessible.
This is the last block on the station's axis, which closes it. It has special significance for maintenance and energy transport.
Stations have basic statuses that affect their gameplay possibilities:
Each zone can have its headquarters, which is a station with certain privileges.
Each player can have one command post, which, if owning the headquarters, is also the headquarters.
All other stations are common and can be taken over or destroyed.
The sphere of influence always originates from the zone headquarters, and its size is determined by the level of the headquarters' blocks. Each block has a specified radius for the sphere of influence. If multiple blocks have the ability to expand the sphere of influence, their values are added together.
Learn more about block properties at Station Block List.
One or more players can belong to a zone.
If a player is a member of a zone with the corresponding authority, they can declare their own station as headquarters after opening the station's bridge.
After building the first station, it automatically becomes the command post. The command post is represented by a card assigned to the station and can be revoked. After revocation, the card returns to the deck and can be reused on another owned station. If a player designates their station as the zone's headquarters, it must also always be the command post.
In the station shop, you can buy and sell. NPC station shops are stocked with basic equipment. NPC stations of specific hyper-corporations are better supplied with products from their own patents.
The assembly hall is a station facility that allows the reconstruction of spacecraft. It is usually part of the space station's hangars. The station owner always has access to the assembly hall, regardless of whether they have built a hangar.
The station owner always has access to the assembly hall, regardless of whether they have built a hangar.
A parasite is a very insidious creature that the station's defense does not detect. Its radar singularity is similar to frozen debris or wreckage commonly found around any station. This allows it to approach the station unnoticed, latch onto its hull, and use highly concentrated acid to penetrate the station's shell.
This process takes 24-48 hours, after which it seals the hole and gradually captures and devours the station's crew with its tentacles. After penetrating the ventilation system, it releases spores that are carriers of disease X.
Its presence creates despair on the station. People cannot move safely around the station, so all its production and refining are halted.
The parasite cannot be detected from inside the station. The station needs to be flown around with a spaceship, and if found, it should be shot down.